【Hiromi Charlesのセカイ】

Profile 自己紹介  チャールズ裕美

After living abroad for nearly 20 years, I moved from London to Nishiawakura Village in 2009 with my French husband and two boys. I have started a language school, a B&B, and a tour-guiding business for overseas guests. My vision for the next ten years is to build a cultural platform to connect my village with the rest of the world.


Why am I involved in the project?  なぜ森々燦々に関わるのか?

I want to tell you about our unique community of nature-loving, open-minded, dynamic, and creative people who practice sustainable living.  I know that It takes work to find us, and our village takes work to get to. Despite the accessibility challenge, we started to have people from overseas who keep coming back to this remote mountainous hamlet. 

“We feel at home”, they say.—a couple who decided to get married at one of our local shrines; a group of yoga practitioners who religiously visit one of our hot spring baths for a leisurely soak; art lovers who try their hands at making pottery with a local potter. This autumn, we are launching a new Forest Arts Festival, “Shin-shin San-san,” which I believe will take us to the next stage of evolution as people and as a community trying to survive in an area where depopulation is progressing at an alarming rate. This event is where everyone is invited to express themselves in any way they feel comfortable. By sharing how we see our world, the space we create will be unique and original while everyone feels included and embraced.



Dedication to my grandmother 祖母への思い

Yoshi Shiraiwa, my grandmother, funded my education abroad, and now I live in the house she built.  I am using this opportunity to celebrate her achievements as an educator and a book lover who started her private library for local children, which she called “the Book-Garden Nokishita Toshokan, now the name of our B&B.  She left a collection of her waka poetry book.  I cannot wait to bring her spirit up in the woods.  She will be happy to see children and young people enjoying themselves in the well-maintained woodland.    

祖母白岩よし(ペンネーム よし子)は、旧影石小学校の教員として、また1962年には岡山県初の女性教育長として体調を崩すまで村で働いた。短歌を詠み、読書推進活動も活発に行う教育熱心だった彼女は私の海外留学の費用も負担してくれた。そして1965年から自宅の一室を近所の子供達の為に開放し、「本の花園・軒下図書館」として10年ほど運営していた。今祖父母が建ててくれた家にすみ、図書館は宿泊施設のラウンジとして、本は語学スクールの生徒さんを中心に貸し出している。最近特に、祖母に伝えたいことが溢れてくる。この家をB&Bとして運営できているから色々な人に会えて、国内はもちろん世界中に友達ができたこと。村外からチャレンジ精神旺盛で前向きで優れた若い人たちが沢山移住してきてくれたお陰で、今村には活気が溢れていて楽しいこと。今回この企画にご協力を頂いている株式会社百森さんがうちの山も丁寧に管理してくれているから安心してほしいこと。そして、森の中で今度芸術祭やるんだよー!って。森々燦々って素敵でしょ?と。もし彼女が生きていたら、、、子供達が楽しそうに遊んでいる様子を見てニコニコ顔の彼女が想像できる。


「五十年の樹のいとなみよ杳き日を話しかけ見む木の精をよびて」(歌集 女教師残像 白岩よし子)

Message 参加者へメッセージ

We are thrilled to hear that you are interested! We will ensure that you feel right at home whether you are coming by yourself, as a family, from a local area, or overseas.

I hope you discover something new in yourself through your encounter with a creature or a plant, an inspirational piece of art, or a new connection you make with someone at the venue.
